President’s Message
Good day all! There’s an old saying in New Jersey that “if you don’t like the weather, just wait 15 minutes and it willchange”! After going
through everything Mother Nature threw at us this winter, we are finally out in the field, doing fertilizer applications,spraying weeds, doing clean-ups, and pruning our plant material. The toughest part of our Industry is that many of the jobs need to be done at the same time,and lack of manpower has a way of raising its head creating problems. Even with that being said, we find a way to get it done in a timely manner!
One of the busiest jobs at this time of year is the applications of chemical treatments including pre-emergent crabgrass controls, post-emergent broad leaf herbicides for winter clean-up, and pre-emergents for plant beds to hopefully alleviate a lot of hand labor throughout the growing season. We all use products that are Federally, and State Registered,and were developed for specific jobs, while being safe to use if
applied according to Label Usage. In addition the applications are being made by trained and educated NJDEP Certified Commercial
Applicators that constantly train and update their knowledge through the awarding of Recertification Credits approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. The point of my message today is twofold.
The first is to make sure you have read (and have in your possession) a copy of the latest Pesticide Label from the Company of Manufacture. Labels change! Product uses are added and some are deleted, personal protective equipment can change, as well as first-aid verbiage. The”Label” is the law of the land and don’t assume that because you read a label three years ago that it is still current.
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