A Platinum Christmas
2024 NJGIC Silent Auction
Thank You to Our Sponsors
It was a Successful Auction!
We appreciate all of our sponsors & participants
Welcome to the NJGIC Online Auction 2024!
NJGIC would like you to know that as a sponsor, donor, or participant, you are contributing to support NJGIC operations and initiatives. This is the sole fundraiser for our organization and we appreciate your yearly support! The proceeds from this event make it possible for NJGIC to continue our valuable contracting with an effective lobbyist, be pro-active in our support of sound science-based legislation, to attend key meetings, and to be advocates for reasonable laws and regulations in the state. The entire green industry thanks you for your continued support.
Bid and Win at the
New Jersey Green Industry Council’s
Silent Auction
during the Trade Show !
(Back Left on Trade Show floor)

The NJGIC represents, promotes and defends the interests of our Green Industry partners through legislative lobbying efforts, education and public relations on both the state and local level. These efforts are coordinated with, and are an extension to, various national associations such as NALP, RISE and CropLife America.

Amazing Auction Items!
- Industry Gift Cards
- Industry & Control Product Solutions
- Sod
- Electronics
- Golf Foursomes
- Equipment and Tools
- Services
- Gift Baskets
- Gifts
- Tickets
- Sports Memorabilia
Featuring our Mystery Box Raffle with over $1500.00 of items