Neonic Alert

Members and Friends, We are at a critical juncture in New Jersey’s neonicotinoid saga. As you know, there is a bill waiting to be brought up for a vote in the State…

Neonic Update

Supporters of New Jersey’s Green Industry, A bill is set to be put up for a vote in the State Assembly that will restrict neonicotinoid insecticide use to solely agricultural areas. Senate…

DOL Announces Lottery for H-2B Processing

Roy Maurer March 4, 2019 Employers that want to hire seasonal guest workers with H-2B visas will now have to go through at least two separate lotteries to employ them. Beginning July…

Beekeeper Notification Legislation

Keith Bennett, CGCS Grass Roots Turf Products, Inc. There have been a lot of questions asked regarding the beekeeper notification legislation.  Below is a set of guidelines that will hopefully help detail some of…