Advocating for the Green Industry through Education and Communication
The New Jersey Green Industry Council purpose is to represent, promote, and defend the interest of the Green Industry and its partners through advocacy, education and communications at the state and local level. By monitoring New Jersey legislation and regulation, we protect your right to do business in the Garden State. We work with a lobbyist in our state capital of Trenton and serve as the face of the green industry.
Securing Reasonable Regulations and Laws for the Green Industry
NJGIC is your voice before the NJ State legislature, the Governor’s office and state regulatory agencies on all issues affecting the quality of your professional lives and the environments you manage. The council is dedicated to representing member interests for a broad range of industry regulatory and legislative concerns including anti-industry propaganda, fertilizer restrictions and regulations, junk science, licensure laws, local ordinances, pesticide regulations, pesticide notification laws, product restrictions, taxation of services, trade restrictions, water quality and water restrictions.
Non-profit status
NJGIC is organized as a 501(c)6, a not-for-profit trade association, under the IRS code. NJGIC works with State Street Associates to represent its organization as its registered government affairs agents, pursuant to the NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission (N.J.S.A. 52:13C-18 et seq and N.J.S.A. 19:25-20.1 et seq). Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions, however, they may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.